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For this restaurant they were able to SELL OUT with each order costing them between 50¢ and $1.22, and every order generating a minimum of $15+, while attracting long-term, loyal costumers.
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For our Construction & Remodeling client, we generated 17 high-quality leads, each worth at least $5,000, with just a $100 ad spend per job. The campaign also saw exceptional engagement from the masses, which is a rare achievement in advertising.
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This is our Health & Nutrition client, for whom we've generated a record number of leads. As shown in the example on the right, we brought in 7 leads in 6 hours, 17 leads in 3 days, 15 leads in 3 days, and 8 leads in 1 day. And as you're reading this, we're still actively generating leads for their business.
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